The Cross and the Crown Resources

Some Cayce quotes to get you started:

The way of the Cross is not easy, yet it is the tuneful, the rhythmic, the beautiful, the lovely way.  (1089-6)

For, those things that are as hindrances or troubles MUST be turned into stepping-stones, and not stumbling-stones; else a soul falls backward rather than progresses.  (2331-1)

If it is held ... as a cross, it will remain as one ... with individuals where there is in their experience crosses to bear, hardships or surroundings that to them are overpowering, overwhelming, by slights, slurs, and fancies of the inactivity of a coordinating force. If these are held continually as crosses, or as things to be overcome, then they will remain as crosses. But if they are to be met with the spirit of truth and right in their own selves, they should create joy; for that is what will be built.   (552-2)

Cultivate the ability to see the ridiculous, and to retain the ability to laugh. For, know – only in those that God hath favored is there the ability to laugh, even when clouds of doubt arise, or when every form of disturbance arises. For, remember, the Master smiled – and laughed, oft – even on the way to Gethsemane.  (2984-1)

Count thy hardships, thy troubles, even thy disappointments, rather as stepping-stones to know His way better.  (262-83)

... for in suffering strength is gained, even as the wind bloweth where it listeth - one heareth the sound thereof and knoweth not whither it cometh nor whence it goeth, yet that is as of the thought and intent in the individual characterization of self--that out of those forces comes that same in an individual or entity's being ...  (5528-1)

They who would gain the greater will suffer the more. Those who would attain to a more perfect understanding of the true relationships of an individual to creative forces and using of same constructively, recognize the unfoldment of the mind through the experiences.  (5242-1)

... not only proclaim or announce a belief in the divine, and to promise to dedicate self to same, but the entity must consistently live such. And the test, the proof of same, is longsuffering. This does not mean suffering of self and not grumbling about it. Rather, though you be persecuted, unkindly spoken of, taken advantage of by others, you do not attempt to fight back or to do spiteful things; that you be patient--first with self, then with others; again that you not only be passive in your relationships with others but active, being kindly, affectionate one to the other; remembering, as He has said, "Inasmuch as ye do it unto the least, ye do it unto me." As oft as you contribute, then, to the welfare of those less fortunate, visit the fatherless and the widows in their affliction, visit those imprisoned – rightly or wrongly – you do it to your Maker. For, truth shall indeed make you free, even though you be bound in the chains of those things that have brought errors, or the result of errors, in your own experience.  (3121-1)

So, each in their respective lives, their own experiences, find their cross overcoming the world, overcoming those things, those conditions, those experiences, that would not only enable them to meet the issues of life but to become heirs with Him of the Crown of Glory.  What, then, is this Crown of Glory? Does this bespeak only of those things, those conditions, that have to do with the spiritual life? Did the overcoming give the authority? Did the overcoming make this Son of man the Lord, the Glory, the Crown of Life?  So He, as the pattern for each, makes the way clear, the way open that each soul - as it meets the crosses, endures the temptations and overcomes them - may become an heir, JOINT heir with Him to the Crown of Glory; with power temporal, power mental, power spiritual to become the Sons and Daughters of God, as many as are called - and all that fulfil that purpose for which they, as individuals, are called - and carry on in that manner, overcoming, meeting, bearing within themselves. Not in sorrow, not in wailing, but in the JOY of the Lord.  (262-36)

For, know that each soul is a free-willed individual, and chooses the way and the application. For it is either the co-worker with God in creation - and creative then in its attitude, in its thought, in its application of tenets and truths day by day; OR in attune with that which is at variance, and thus besetting or putting stumblingblocks in the way of others along the way.   (2549-1)

(Q) When and where will I next incarnate and will I be associated with associates of this incarnation and whom?
(A) Better get into shape so that you can incarnate. That depends a great deal upon what one does about the present opportunities. It isn't set for time immemorial as to be what you will be from one experience to the other. For, as has been given, there are unchangeable laws. The Creator intended man to be a companion with Him. Whether in heaven or in the earth or in whatever consciousness, a companion with the Creator. How many [incarnations] will it require for thee to be able to be a companion with the Creative Forces wherever you are? That is also a law. What ye sow, ye reap.  (416-18)

Be patient, be kind. Be gentle in thy ministerings day by day; for though there may come those periods when the burden seems heavy, and the light fades in the life, yet he that is faithful unto the end shall wear the crown.  Keep the fires of love burning in thy hearts day by day, for the love of God is manifested in the earth through those that are just kind one to another.  (281-17)

(Q) If a soul fails to improve itself, what becomes of it?
(A) That's why the reincarnation, why it reincarnates; that it MAY have the opportunity. Can the will of man continue to defy its Maker?  (826-8)

(Q) Explain, in the light of reincarnation, the cycle of development towards maturity in individuals.
(A) As an individual in any experience, in any period, uses that of which it (the soul or entity) is conscious in relation to the laws of the Creative Forces, so does that soul, that entity, develop towards - what? A companionship with the Creative influence!  Hence karma, to those disobeying … (5753-1)

For each soul, each entity, CONSTANTLY meets self. And if each soul would but understand, those hardships which are accredited much to others are caused most by self. KNOW that in those you are meeting THYSELF!  (845-4)

In the studies, then, know WHERE ye are going…. And to find that ye only lived, died and were buried under the cherry tree in Grandmother's garden does not make thee one whit better neighbor, citizen, mother or father! But to know that ye spoke unkindly and suffered for it, and in the present may correct it by being righteous - THAT is worth while!  (5753-2)

So may ye, in thy dealing with the problems that arise in thy daily life; and as ye analyze from that as may be visioned or meditated upon, from activities in the varied earthly experiences. For, ye realize that ye ARE meeting thine old self, - yea, thy old friends, thy old enemies.  (2174-2)

For each soul in its advent into this earth solar system, and becoming an indweller in the realm of materiality, becomes subject to the laws and the attributes of this present solar system, with the influences from the sun, from the sun's planetary companions in this present solar experience.  (510-1)

For an individual entity, with all the attributes of body, soul and spirit, is subject to the laws thereof; and until individuals are in their thought, purpose and intent THE law - that is constructive - they are subject to same.  (1538-1)